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Press Release Regarding Eastern Kentucky University Student Government Association’s Statement in Support of the MA of Arts in History Program


Press Release Regarding Eastern Kentucky University Student Government Association’s Statement in Support of the MA of Arts in History Program. 

October 4, 2023

We, the Eastern Kentucky University Student Government Association, wish to express our profound disagreement with the recent decision by the University administration to discontinue the Masters of Arts in History Program. This abrupt and, to us, seemingly hasty decision has left us deeply concerned, as it appears that the administration did not adequately consider the significant impact this move would have on the futures of our students.

The Masters of Arts in History Program has been an invaluable asset to our academic community. It has enriched the intellectual tapestry of our university, fostering critical thinking, research skills, and a profound understanding of the past. The program's faculty members have dedicated themselves to providing exceptional education, and its students have gone on to contribute meaningfully to academia, research, and various professional fields.

As the School of Opportunity, EKU has a duty to represent and support its students. Many students come from underprivileged backgrounds, and cannot afford to attend larger, more expensive institutions. However, EKU has always been a school of opportunity for students of all backgrounds, no matter their financial situation, to receive a world class education. Removing this program would eliminate this opportunity for so many students.

We implore the University administration to reconsider and delay this decision, engaging in open dialogue with all stakeholders, including students and faculty, to collaboratively find a solution that will safeguard the academic pursuits and futures of our students. Their dreams and aspirations should be at the forefront of any determinations regarding program discontinuation.

The Eastern Kentucky University Student Government Association stands united with our fellow students, faculty, and staff in advocating for the preservation of this vital program. We believe that by working together, we can ensure that the legacy of academic excellence at our institution continues to thrive, providing opportunities for generations to come.


If you wish to read the addressed legislation, you can find it here

Published on October 04, 2023

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