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David Nusz (1987-1988)

Full Name: David Nusz

Education: B.A. Speech Communications (1988), J.D. Pepperdine University (1991)

Year Elected: Junior 

Involvment: Lambda Chi Alpha (President), Greek Leadership Development (Co-Director)

Student Political Affiliation: Student Choice Party 

For the second time in two years, election results were voided and another election was held due to alleged violations from both campaign teams. 

The Election of 1987 was won twice by the Student Choice Party of David Nusz and Tricia Stewart. The first election, which took place on April 7, saw Nusz/Stewart win by only eighteen votes. Following their defeat, the Pride Party of incumbent Vice President Jim Acquaviva and Mickey Lacy filed a complaint with the Election Committee which alledged that the Student Choice Party was campaigning too close to the polls on election day, did not removing campaign materials from campus buildings within 24 after the election and exceeded the $200 monetary limit alloted to parties during the election. Election Committee chair, Robert McCool, also forwarded a request of the executive election to the Student Court following members of the committee themselves witnessing violations committed by both parties. 

The first allegation against Nusz's party involved witness Jon Marie Compton, a student senator who waa working at the voting booth. She alledgedly witnessed two people encouraging a student to vote for Nusz and Stewart at the booth. Nusz and Stewart denied this allegation. The second allegation regarding the removal of campaign material was responded to by Nusz stating, "We looked through all the buildings. We had 400 posters out. Everybody was tired and we may have missed a few. I don't see what affect it had on the election." The same allegation was levied against the Pride Party. The final allegation was that the Student Choice Party exceeded their budget limit of $200 by not including items such as tape and paint. 

Following three hours of deliberation, the Student Court ruled the election results void, and called for a new election to be held. Initially, they also stated that all four of the previous candidates were barred from running due to their violations, but this was later corrected as a missinterpretation of the constitution. 

The second election, held on April 28, saw the Nusz and Stewart win by a margin of four votes. It was recorded that one ballot was cast for an undeclared write-in candidate, and four were disregarded due to be being completed incorrectly. 

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