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Laura Jackson (2017-2018)

Full Name: Laura Jackson

Education: B.A. Political Science, Minor in Pre-Law (2018)

Year Elected: Junior 

Involvement: Honors Program, Mock Trial Team (Captain), National Residence Hall Honorary, Future Business Leaders of America

“Like many Eastern Kentucky University students, Student Government Association President Laura Jackson “grew up in a town with more hills than people.” Living in that small town inspired her dream of impacting the lives of fellow Appalachian citizens through a career in law.

Jackson, a senior pre-law and political science major from Artemus, Kentucky, is no stranger to Appalachian stereotypes. “When you come from a small town like Artemus, many don’t expect much from you,” she confessed. She’s also all too familiar with the problems that commonly plague rural Kentucky, home to some of the most economically disadvantaged counties in the nation. “During my childhood, I experienced the effects that poverty, drug abuse, and so many other tragedies can have on the lives of Appalachian families,” she said. “From a young age, I realized that I wanted to make a difference in the lives of Appalachians.”

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