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Lucas Hammons (Fall 2002)

Full Name: Lucas Hammons

Education: B.B.A. Managment and Operations (University of Kentucky, 2001), B.A. Political Science (2004)

Year Elected: Sophomore 

Involvment: Kappa Alpha Order, Mock Trial, Student Government Association (Student Senator, Speaker Pro Tem)

Lucas Hammons is the only Student Body President to have resigned from office, having served only nine months in the position. 

Outlined in a ninety page document, it was discovered that Hammons had misused SGA funds through his university issued purchasing card, cell phone, reimbursment requests. Hammons had made thirty four suspicious purchases on his university card, the majority of which were for personal items such as car wax, hair vitamins, mouthwash, and medication. Hammons' purchasing card was terminated on September 17, 2002, with these purchases totaling $387.61 dollars. Hammons' misuse of his university issued cell phone totaled $199.88 dollars, and his reimbursment requests for travel and meals totaling $266.05 dollars. In total, Hammons was alleged to have misused $853.54 dollars of SGA funds. It was also alleged by the Executive Cabinet that Hammons was not completing his necessary office hours, and had falsified information. In a resolution made on October 25, the Executive Cabinet formally requested Hammons' resignation. On October 30, Hammons wrote a letter in stating that he would pay back all of the funds by noon of that day, and that he wished to complete the remainder of his term. However, Hammons also stated that if the cabinet still believed that he was not carrying out the duties of his position the letter may be accepted as a letter of resignation. 

By December, it was determind that Hammons was not meeting these duties. On December 11, Chief of Staff Matthew Schumacher wrote a letter to Hammons notifying him of the Executive Cabinet's unanimous acceptance of his resignation and the elevation of Executive Vice President Mary Hall to the position of Student Body President. 

On January 14, 2003 Hammons submitted a letter of resignation to the Student Senate, citing personal reasons. In a statement read before the senate, Hammons stated that he wished to focus on his studies and his desire to attend law school. 

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