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Ryan Wiggins (2018-2019)

Full Name: Ryan Wiggins

Education: B.A. Psychology, Political Science (2019), J.D. University of Louisville (2022)

Year Elected: Junior

Involvement: Student Government Association (Executive Vice President), Mock Trial Team (Captain), Sigma Nu (President)

“A passion for advocacy' inspires everything Ryan Wiggins does as Student Government Association (SGA) president at Eastern Kentucky University. 'I have always wanted to make a difference for my constituents,' he said... He acknowledged, however, that the journey to the presidency was not always easy. “It’s no secret that politics can be difficult,” he said. “I faced my share of adversity while trying to get elected, but it made me a stronger leader and helped me to keep my focus on the people I represent.”

In addition to serving as SGA president and student regent, Wiggins is president of Sigma Nu fraternity and captain of the mock trial team. When he met the then-captain of the mock trial team at his freshman orientation, his interest was piqued. After attending an information session during the first week of classes and tryouts that Friday, he became a team member, eventually working his way up to captain. His experiences, he said, have taught him about critical thinking, public speaking and leadership, as well as practical courtroom skills such as courtroom etiquette, rules of evidence and trial procedures."

- EKU Stories, Oct 9, 2018

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