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Scott Childress (1989-1990)

Full Name: Scott Childress

Education: B.A. Business Management (1990), M.B.A. Eastern Kentucky University (1993), M.A. Economics, University of Kentucky (1996)

Year Elected: Junior 

Involvment: Student Association (Student Senator, Vice President), Lambda Chi Alpha

Student Political Affiliation: Action Party 

Childress joined United Parcel Service (UPS) in 1997 supporting the UPS Air Group.  Later that year, he was promoted to management and held a variety of accounting and finance leadership positions within the Air Group and Corporate Finance and Accounting before moving to international operations. He would go on to serve as Vice President of Finance for Canada in 2008, Vice President of Finance in Europe in 2010, and Chief Financial Officer in America in 2013. He began serving as the Investor Relations Officer in 2015, until he was promoted in 2022 to Vice President of Finance and CFO Projects. He also began serving as President of UPS Sustainability in 2023. 

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