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Segura v. Executive Cabinet

Facts of the case:

During the March 25th-31st, a runoff election between two candidates was held for the positions of Ethics Administrator. Residence Life Council on March 25, 2011, Student Court, and Student Activities Council on March 26, 2011, and Student Senate on March 27, 2011, voted by secret ballot. After the votes were tabulated by Chief Justice Alexandra Sipes, the results showed an exact tie. Sipes then turned to Student Body President Rachel Mollozzi to break the tie.

On March 29, 2011, members of the Constitutional Review Committee, Nicholas Beasley, Josef Katzman, Dan Hendrickson, Marcus Segura requested a Student Court hearing to appeal the election of Erica Childress as the Ethics Administrator on the grounds that the correct process was not followed.


Did the election of the Ethics Administrator follow the correct procedure?


In a unanimous decision, the Student Court concurred that the election did follow the proper procedure.   

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