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Student Government Association Elections Committee v. DeGrant


Missing: Answer to Constitutional and Bylaw questions

Facts of the case:

Filed on March 22nd, 2022, there was a concern regarding a barstool post promoting the Degrant campaign. The complainant was unsure if this is a violation of the direct contract we signed in the elections packet, the SGA bylaws or code of conduct, or potentially EKU code of conduct.

The 2nd complaint was regarding a distance violation as DeGrant was campaigning and posted a campaign video right outside of the Powell building within the distance perimeter of the SGA office on Election Day. Proof was provided through video

The 3rd complaint is regarding a potential EKU conduct violation. DeGrant had also posted a picture standing on the statue outside of Powell and the rec which the complainant also believed is an EKU conduct violation.

The 4th and final complaint involved DeGrant driving the student life golf cart around during election day while also talking to other students about elections. To the student body, this could look like a student life endorsement for his campaign. He is also using the student life golf cart for campaigning, gas, and being paid by student life because he is “working” today. If this is allowed because he is working, all these funds (including golf cart rental, gas, and DeGrant’s paycheck) should be marked on his campaign budget and should be accounted into the $750 limit.

Inspector General Hollandsworth assigned Inspector Chambers to investigate points one and three. On point four I.G. Hollandsworth reached out via email to the complainant and found no additional video or audio evidence. On point two I.G. Hollandsworth found that DeGrant posted campaign videos on the day of the election taken within 150 feet of the polling site in middle Powell (See Appendix A and Chapter 7, Article IV, Section C, Subsection I, clause D - iii). Points one and three did not violate any specific elections regulations found in SGA Bylaws. However, the presence of alcohol in a social media post on a major page including references to SGA and climbing on the Centennial Man statue (See Appendix B and C) reflect poorly on the Student Government, are possible violations of university code of conduct and bring DeGrant in violation of the SGA Code of Conduct line “All elected and appointed members shall conduct themselves in a manner that shall reflect positively of Student Government Association and Eastern Kentucky University.” found in Chapter 8 ‘Code of Conduct,’ Section C ‘Standards,’ Subsection IV.



Was DeGrant violating the bylaws by having an endorsement from Barstool?

Was DeGrant in violation of the bylaws by posting himself on the Centennial Man Statue outside Powell

Was DeGrant in violation of the bylaws by posting a video of himself with an alcoholic beverage?

Did DeGrant violate the bylaws when he used the Student Life golf cart to campaign and should he have included it in the final budget required to be submitted to the Elections Committee?

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